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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Getting all "scaley"

No, I'm not talking about growing scales on my body, I'm talking about the scale and the ugly number it produces. So many things I read say that you shouldn't weight yourself at all but just judge your loss by how your body feels and clothes fit.......really though?

When you're just starting out (as I am) it seems to me that the little differences which are hard to see in your shape and clothes can at least be a motivation to keep you going. I feel like if i were to step on the scale and see three pounds lost i would be overjoyed and feel like i could keep going....but i don't think I would notice it much in my clothes. So my question to anyone reading this is how do you feel about scales in your weight loss plan? I think I'm going to stick with the scale at least until I can see some real difference in my about you?

As a response to a request I'd like to post the official size of dress/pants I wear right now because some people are choosing not to use a scale as their guide. For some reason this number doesn't really bother me as much as the scale number does. I wear a size 18 in most pants and dresses. Now I could totally lie and say 16 because there is one pair of pants in my closet that do fit and is a size 16 but truthfully i think they were tagged wrong. Truth of the matters is also that even an 18 is tight which is a first for me, usually i wear something between a 16 and an 18 (too bad they don't make a 17 for women) 16 was a little too tight but 18 always fell off. Now it's strictly 18 and it's tight which is scary for me to think of gaining any more weight. We live in a house with stairs now and it's hard enough hiking up and down the stairs carrying my own body weight around but then add to that the two growing babys i have and carrying them up and down as well, often both at least it's a workout right?!

I think small goals are important. My first goal is to get down to 215....why that number you ask? In order to qualify for breast reduction surgery (which i have wanted and needed for years) I have to meet a certain BMI (body mass index is a terrible way to judge health or weight but it's what the dr's office requires) and with my height I cannot weigh more than 220, so I don't want to think i'm the right weight at 220 and go in to the dr's office and have the scale tell me i'm 221 or 222, because different scales say different 215 is a good first goal. Rewarding yourself with small things for shorter term goals is a good way to keep motivated i think. I'll be rewarding myself with smaller breasts and cheaper bras once i reach this first goal.....can't wait!!

It's funny how I was feeling so undermotivated because yesterday was my birthday and I had cake and ice cream and didn't feel like working out today at all......but then after writing about the goal I have it's made me really want to work on it today! So now that i've exersized my fingers on the key board i'm going to go down to the play room and put on a workout DVD for Katie and I to do together! Thanks for the motivation!!


  1. Vera, that surgery would be amazing. That is a great first goal, with a big payoff!

  2. I agree! It really keeps me motivated!

  3. I like the scale. I do think that some people take the scale too literally, saying I gained three pounds in a day or lost three pounds in day. I have learned that I have a comfort zone of three to four pounds. A lot of things can make a 2-3 pound difference such as water intake, menstrual cycle, and bowel movements (sorry if that tmi). So I think have a 'zone' works better. I agree that seeing weight loss is motivating. Just remember there is always a period of muscle gain when exercising so you may not see pounds disappear but see a shape change :)

  4. Vera, I totally admire you for doing this. You are amazing! I agree to celebrate the small accomplishments. I have never had to worry about my weight until I hit about 30 years old. I could not eat whatever I wanted any more and stay my size. I found that I can pretty much eat what i want, IF I exercise. But, after adding 4 little ones in 4 months - that changed. Because I was so stressed, every night after they went to bed I ate dessert. So slowly I gained about 15 pounds over 2 years. In 2010 I was determined to lose it and I did - I lost 13 pounds and am exactly where I want to be and am fitting the clothes I want to. But, I do have to exercise daily to keep it off - which for me, means getting up at 6 am (which I hate). I do like the scale, but not daily, only like every 1 - 2 weeks. Good luck.

  5. I weight myself once a week. I've chosen Sunday. So first thing in the morning I go to the bathroom, strip down and weight myself. I also measure myself once every two or three weeks (so when that muscle does grow and there's no weight difference, I'll see it in the measurements.)

  6. wow you guys! Stacey those are some great thoughts, a zone is totally a good idea! and Noelle, oh man that is a huge part of my problem, with adding just two kids in the last year i've been stress eating constantly! and with little ones i find myself opting for quick easy meals which are almost never healthy....still working on it.

  7. I judge by my clothes a lot. I started a gym class that is very difficult and we do a lot of weights so I notice my arms getting more muscle and my waist getting smaller but my weight is around the same still and its frustrating!
