Are you the weight you want to be? Do you have trouble finding a workout partner to depend on? Do you need someone to be accountable to? That's why this blog is here!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

cycling thru the cycles

So I survived my first cycle of hCG. Yes it's hard to stick to at first, but I have found a real love for the natural foods I've been eating and my body feels so much better to have shed 23 pounds! Can you believe that?! I am finishing up my last few days of the cycle without the drops and then it's on to the maintenance cycle. I will get to eat foods like cheese again, and even get some light olive oil based dressings for my salad....oh the little joys! LOL

I didn't reach my goal, which may have been a bit lofty, but I plateaued for the last several days and I'm ready to move on to the next cycle. I'll do maintenance for three weeks before doing one more round of hCG. I'm looking forward to those first two days of my cycle of hCG even though they're three weeks away, knowning I have days like that ahead of me where i'll be ALLOWED, even REQUIRED to eat fatty food, all those things I've wanted but been so good not to even touch, like pizza and chinese food and chicken barn....oh yeah baby!

See now even though those things sound soooo good to me, my weight loss has been so much more worth the work than a few minutes of pleasure from that food. I may be looking forward to those days now, but when it comes time, it may actually be hard to finally actually eat them again. I know that quitting soda was hard and i wanted so bad just to go back to it, but after three weeks on the diet i decided to reward myself with a little diet soda (since i WON'T reward my self with food that isn't healthy anymore) and after one sip i nearly gagged, I don't like soda anymore!!!!!!!!! Did you ever think that was possible? I know I didn't. But truthfully, the weight loss has been great, but the life change has been even more amazing, how I've learned new ways to prepare healthier dishes, I've got a whole new appreciation for eating right for my health, I'm so excited to start a new cycle of life, a healthy cycle. I'm so glad I finally decided to do this. And as a show of my gratitude I'll tell you my new weight because like last time I hope not to see this number on the scale ever again....


Haven't weighed this since before I had kids. I only have 8 pounds to lose to get to my breast reduction goal, and i WILL get there. I know not everyone has come to a phase in life of deciding their health is this important, and that's ok, but we all have goals and dreams, how are you doing on yours....are you out there making it happen? Because only YOU can makes your goals and dreams happen...YOU.


  1. Right now I'm cutting ALL carbs for 8 weeks, to detox my body, and then once I'm detoxed I'll slowly implement back into my diet all the "good" carbs. Hardest thing I've ever done, physically and mentally but totally worth it! I'm still waiting for a "soda" experience where things like cookies and junk food won't be appealing anymore, but it hasn't come yet. You're awesome!! I can't wait until I've lost 23lbs!!! Proud of you! Your life is an inspiration to me!

    ps My second mom (mother-in-law) LOVES the HCG diet too :) Swears by it.


  2. I have added more excercize and well 40 lbs is a lot to do but with diet and more excercise I can get there. I am glad you are sharing your blog.

  3. I have lost 7.5 pounds in the last three weeks. Feels like nothing compared to your 23 though! Adam was going to do Weight Watchers with me but just write it down so we didn't have to pay for him too but he gave up a week later. Writing a blog definitely helps! I feel like I have support.
