Are you the weight you want to be? Do you have trouble finding a workout partner to depend on? Do you need someone to be accountable to? That's why this blog is here!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Weight Not, Want Not

There is a reason that the only pictures of myself I can find are from the shoulders up. Because I can't stand to be reminded of the fact that I am the largest I have ever been in my life, sadly even including pregnancy. I have never weighed more than I do right now....never. And I'm going to do something that is so taboo it's so rarely been done I'm going to announce to the world how much I weigh. Why? Because I hope never to see this number again. This is the weight according to my home scale which is what I plan to use to weigh myself on each time I do a weigh in (hopefully once a week) and the ugly number is:............

Now in all fairness I am a tall woman. I spent most of my adult life thinking I was 5'10" but found out a few years ago that all this weight is weighing me down and I'm actually only 5' 9 1/2" it may not make much of a differnce but it does to me, somewhere down the line someone rounded my height up and it was a number I've always known as my height and on this blog I plan to be completely honest about everything so that's the honest truth of my height.
Sad to say that as I mentioned before the only pictures of my body below the shoulders is with one of my kids hiding the front of me, so I'll be taking a picture in the next day or so to use as my before fat picture as it were.....because I hope that eventually there will be thin pictures of me too. I don't dare hope to ever refer to myself as skinny. That word, even if it ever described me, carries with it some negativity because skinny does not always mean healthy. And health is the point of all of this.
The point of this blog is that you the reader are who I plan to be accountable to. I can't ever seem to find a workout partner that sticks around for very long and my schedule of when I can workout isn't the best either. So you are my partner, and I'll be yours. If you want to comment about something you're doing that works for you, that would be great. I know very few people who are the weight they want to be, this blog is my effort to use my own poor motivation to motivate myself and others, share workout ideas, and track my own progress as I attempt to become a healthier person, one blog post at a time.
Today I chose apples instead of crackers for a mid morning snack....and I took a first step in the right direction.

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck with everything Vera! I too am the heaviest I have been and don't like it! I'm like you I hate my pictures taken from the shoulders below, because I don't want to look at how big I have gotten with each pregnancy, I blame the weight gain on my Genes...we don't have the greatest genes when it comes to Weight, and I plan on changing that starting Monday! So I'll be your partner, Go to It's a weightloss site to help you track your progress and give you ideas on how to fix meals and such.To a new year and new us!
